Archive for the ‘Vision Therapy’ category

Vision therapy introduction

March 31st, 2010

Also known as visual training or vision training, vision therapy include a wide range of techniques for preventing the development of visual problems, such as strabismic and non-strabismic binocular dysfunctions, visual motor disorder, visual perception disorder etc…Vision therapy is so important because nowadays a large group of people suffer from eye problems and diseases and vision therapy helps them in developing visual abilities and efficiency.

Vision therapy has evolved since centuries ago, though in different terms. The formal concept of vision therapy appeared in the nineteenth century for strabismus treatment, which corresponded to the orthoptics vision therapy today. After the collaboration of eye experts and neuroscientists, vision therapy was expanded into the treatment of other vision problems, including binocular and dysfunction in visual focusing, perception and motor skills.

Vision therapy includes various non-surgical methods and has developed into two common categories: orthoptic vision therapy and behavioral vision therapy. Eye problems suitable for orthoptic vision therapy include strabismus and diplopia. They need the cooperation between orthoptists and ophthalmologists. Behavioral vision therapy is also called non-strabismic visual therapy. Optometrists alone can manage it. People who suffering from eye strain and visual-induced headaches also need behavioral vision therapy. Professional athletes may take behavioral vision therapy to improve their sensitivity to peripheral vision on the field.

In US schools, vision disorders affect one out of four students and cause difficulty in their daily lives, such as school work and sports activities. Vision therapy is effective in treating many acquired and congential vision dysfunctions. Vision Therapy Academy at and Vision Therapy Group at are the professional organizations offering vision therapy information and treatment.

Amblyopia treatment

January 11th, 2010

Also called “lazy eye”, amblyopia is an eye disease that causes reduced visual acuity in one eye that is uncorrectable with lenses. 1-5% of the population is estimated to be affected by amblyopia.

The problem always starts during early childhood. The reason of amblyopia is the no transmission or poor transmission of the visual image to the brain. In another way, the eye and the brain are not working together properly. The brain favors the other eye without amblyopia. The disease may also occur on children with cataracts, strabismus, droopy eyelids or crosses eyes. Amblyopia may also happen after tobacco or alcohol consumption.

Early detection is essential for amblyopia treatment. The first years of life are critical for eyesight because the vision pathways in the brain must become strong early. The vision system is mature before a child gets 10. According to clinical statistics, children under five get the best results after amblyopia treatment. Adolescents aged 13 to 17 are hardly to completely recover.

Since there are different reasons that cause amblyopia, the treatment must touch the point. Glasses or contact glasses may solve certain problems. If the amblyopia is due to cataracts, droopy eyelids or crossed eyes, surgery is needed. Another simple way of amblyopia treatment is to force the child to use its amblyopic eye most of the time so that it will get stronger by covering a patch over the normal eye. The treatment should go on until the vision is ok. Currently, various clinical trials and experiments are conducted by experts for more effective amblyopia treatment.

Eye treatment methods for common eye diseases

January 4th, 2010

Eyes are easy to be affected by bacteria, fungi or viruses, or to be injured, with exposure to a foreign body or chemical. There are hundreds types of diseases related with human eyes.

Eye treatment is the method that an ophthalmologist adopt to cure eye diseases in his office or an emergency department. Eye treatment can also be carried out at home by your own, for example, flushing the eye with great amounts of lukewarm tap water or commercially prepared eyewash solution under eye infection by chemical or eye injury. However, when a foreign body gets into the eye, you should not rob your eyes, and eye irrigation is usually not recommended. Eye treatment methods are usually different according to different types of eye disease. Following listed some medical eye treatment methods for common eye diseases.

Viral conjunctivitis and bacterial conjunctivitis are usually treated with antibiotic eye drops, when allergic conjunctivitis is normally treated with antihistamines.

The eye treatment for corneal abrasions and ulcerations includes antibiotic eye drops, eye ointment, and pain medication.

Chemical eye burns should be evaluated by an ophthalmologist besides an eye treatment of eye irrigation.

Scrubbing the eyelid edges with mild shampoo is the eye treatment method for curing blepharitis by removing excess oil.

The eye treatment method for styes or chalozions is usually conservative, by placing warm compresses for 15 to 20 minutes with cloth with hot water several times a day.

The eye treatment method for glaucoma is more complex. Treatment for severe glaucoma usually begins with several types of eye drops, such as a topical beta-blocker, a topical steroid drop, and a pupillary constricting eyedrop. Emergency surgery may be carried out for acute glaucoma.

Traumatic events to the eye should be managed by ophthalmologists and need immediate evaluation in the emergency department.

What is CIBA Vision Clear Care?

December 22nd, 2009

Just among the large family of Clear Care solution, CIBA Vision Clear Care is one of the typical members. It is common to see that consumers bear special passion to use CIBA Clear Care. As its name indicates, the CIBA Vision Clear Care can make eyes clear, fresh, and comfortable. Especially, washing their contacts with CIBA Clear Care can help to keep the health of eyes.

One of the basic characteristics that CIBA Clear Care has is its ability to get rid of eye waste. As it is known that eyes will produce lots of waste in their process of metabolism, and some of them will be left on contacts. Hence, how to dispose these wastes is a very hard job for many contact wearers. The designers of CIBA Vision Clear Care have taken considerations of all respects and have successfully instilled such merits in CIBA Clear Care. The eye wastes on the lenses can be disposed immediately by CIBA Clear Care.

When using CIBA Vision Clear Care, consumers should strictly follow the product instructions. For some people have made their eyes injured when they use CIBA Clear Care inappropriately.

Among all instructions, to keep the lens in its special case is essential. Some wearers think it matters little to keep the CIBA Clear Care in a common case. Unfortunately, and so, some people have burnt their eyes by the Hydrogen Peroxide, which is used to kill bacteria. It is true that Hydrogen peroxide can help to prevent eyes from being infected by microbes. However, this chemical material in CIBA Clear Care must be broken down before the contacts are to be worn. Because CIBA Clear Care will not react in a common case, in which Hydrogen peroxide will not be broken down and many people have got injured for this reason. Consequently, there is special platinum placing in the special case of CIBA Clear Care. This platinum will react with CIBA Clear Care and the hydrogen peroxide will be completely broken down.

Many regular consumers of CIBA Clear Care deem this solution as their essential parts of lives. Because all people who use CIBA Vision Clear Care can forever enjoy the happiness of not being infected by any bacteria.

Keep away from blurred vision!

October 17th, 2009

Blurred vision is the lack of sharpness of vision and symptoms of not being able to see fine things, also called vision impairment, impaired vision, blurry vision. Blurred vision can be caused by many different conditions. Blurry vision occurs when a person who wears corrective lens, abnormalities present at birth, overexposure to the outdoors or a side effect of medications. Presbyopia can result in blurry vision too, mostly in your early to mid 40. Eye infection or injury may lead to blurred vision briefly. Cataracts always cause blurred vision, especially at nighttime. Glaucoma is another reason for blurred vision, which may happen suddenly. Macular degeneration can cause the loss of central vision, blurred vision and distorted vision. Diabetic retinopathy can not only lead to blurry vision but also blindness.

Blurred vision should not be ignored, because blurred vision can be the important clue to eye disease, aging, eye injury, retinal detachment or other conditions such as migraine, diabetes or stoke. When you find yourself of blurry vision, you should visit your eye doctor for an eye exam. Treatments or surgery will be depending on the cause of blurry vision.

In order to avoid blurred vision, make sure to do eye checkups from an ophthalmologist or optometris every year or half year. And daily habbits such as wear sunglasses, no smoking, keep blood pressure and blood sugar under control, eat green leafy vegetables are also effective to pretect you from blurry vision.