Posts Tagged ‘Amblyopia’

Amblyopia treatment

January 11th, 2010

Also called “lazy eye”, amblyopia is an eye disease that causes reduced visual acuity in one eye that is uncorrectable with lenses. 1-5% of the population is estimated to be affected by amblyopia.

The problem always starts during early childhood. The reason of amblyopia is the no transmission or poor transmission of the visual image to the brain. In another way, the eye and the brain are not working together properly. The brain favors the other eye without amblyopia. The disease may also occur on children with cataracts, strabismus, droopy eyelids or crosses eyes. Amblyopia may also happen after tobacco or alcohol consumption.

Early detection is essential for amblyopia treatment. The first years of life are critical for eyesight because the vision pathways in the brain must become strong early. The vision system is mature before a child gets 10. According to clinical statistics, children under five get the best results after amblyopia treatment. Adolescents aged 13 to 17 are hardly to completely recover.

Since there are different reasons that cause amblyopia, the treatment must touch the point. Glasses or contact glasses may solve certain problems. If the amblyopia is due to cataracts, droopy eyelids or crossed eyes, surgery is needed. Another simple way of amblyopia treatment is to force the child to use its amblyopic eye most of the time so that it will get stronger by covering a patch over the normal eye. The treatment should go on until the vision is ok. Currently, various clinical trials and experiments are conducted by experts for more effective amblyopia treatment.

What we should be aware of Amblyopia

November 13th, 2009

Amblyopia, also known as the lazy eye, is the disorder of eye system which can not recognize the image. In most conditions, the amblyopia usually happens to one eye.

The cause of the problem is not due to the eye disease, but due to no transmission or poor transmission of images to the brain. So the commonly used word “lazy eye” is not very accurate, it is more accurate to call the “lazy brain”. It is the brain but not the eye that does not react to images. In fact, the brain becomes lazy by the reason of not being stimulated properly in childhood. Therefore, it is important for parents to be careful about the eyes of children, and always take the children to the specialist for a regular eye test.

Amblyopia is not the same with intermittent strabismus. Strabismus is a condition of the misaligned eyes. In this situation, your one eye can see the images correctly, while the strabismic eye just can not see the abnormal thing. If the strabismus does not happen very often, you call it intermittent strabismus; otherwise you call it constant one. The symptom is considered to be normal to children up to 6 months. However, not the same with strabismus, amblyopia is difficult to be found out, even by some pediatricians. Furthermore, amblyopia is more likely to be completely cured when you are young compared with the adult.

When you are under the age of two, it is possible to go back to the 20/20 vision with the help of special drops or a kid eye patch. When your brain’s vision system develops completely, especially when you are older than 17 eyes old, the chance of amblyopia cure is impossible, you can only do aerobics to get the eye a little improved. Moreover, unlike the common myopia, amblyopia can not be corrected by spectacles or contacts, and there is no LASIK surgery up to now, either. Amblyopia is a neurological problem. You can only bear it if you have this problem when you are young, and you miss the crucial period to fix it.

Vision development is very important in the life of people. You must be careful about the eyesight when you are young and do eye treatment regularly. If you find that you have eyesight problems when young, please seize the turning point. There is no way to solve the problem of amblyopia, but we should believe that with the development of technology, the amblyopia surgery will be as easy as the myopia surgery.