about 20-30 dollar glasses

June 25th, 2015 by admin No comments »

Eyeglasses don’t have to be an expensive purchase. You can reduce what you pay if you look beyond specialty stores, designer brands and particular eyeglass features. Moreover, your eye care provider must give you your prescription, whether or not you ask for it. Once you have a current prescription, you can search for inexpensive eyeglasses such as $20-$30 eyeglasses.

$20-$30 eyeglasses have the same quality as most name brand glasses and work just as well. Name brand glasses are not actually a product of the associated companies but are from manufacturers licensed to use the names. These companies also product eye wear that is not branded but comparable to the designer versions. Moreover, these $20-$30 eyeglasses can also be added special coatings to combat various problems and improve your comfort. These special treatments include anti-reflective coating, scratch resistance and anti-glare coating. The treatments may be helpful but they could increase the cost of your eyeglasses considerably. Unless these treatments are necessary for your vision or the seller includes them at significant discounts or at no charge, decline them to keep your payment low. If you must have some of these extra features, look for coupons or purchase from sellers that offer them at lower prices.

To get eyeglasses price $20 to $30, ask your doctor for a copy of your eyeglasses prescription, plus your pupillary distance number. The distance measured in millimeters between the centers of the pupils in each eye. Moreover, eyeglasses stores often have coupons and special half-price deals. When you find this kind of deal, consider buying a backup pair in case your primary pair is lost or broken. That way you won’t have to run to an expensive shop to have a replacement made right away. Or just ask for a discount if you buy two pairs. Moreover, you need to make sure your face shape. If your face shape is round, it is recommended that you wear square eyeglasses frames. If you have a face that is proportionally oval, all shapes of eyeglasses frames will be suitable to you. If you have a square face shape, you can wear eyeglasses frames that are circular or curved. If you have oblong face shape, you should choose triangular eyeglasses frame. Circular and rectangular eyeglasses frames are suitable for people that have oblong face shape. People with heart face shape should wear eyeglasses frames that have wider bottoms. People with diamond face shape should wear circular eyeglasses frame. You can also wear cat eye eyeglasses frames if you have diamond face shape. If you have a face with narrow forehead, it is recommended that you choose the base down triangle eyeglasses frame.

about 10-20 dollar glasses

June 25th, 2015 by admin No comments »

If you wear glasses, you know that buying a new pair of specs can put a sizable dent in your saving account. For a premium pair of prescription glasses, the cost of the lenses alone can range from $500 to $1000. When you add on the price of frames, you might wonder if those top-of-the-line products are really worth their hefty price tags.

You might be able to get by with a $10 to $20 non-prescription/prescription pair of glasses if you need something only for reading or distance. The frames can also be fitted properly so that they are centered for your eyes. You will not experience blurred vision, eye strain or headaches. Actually, the price of glasses starts to go up with progressive lenses, which have a continuous change of strength, for the different distances we encounter, in one lens. The progressive lens brings your vision as close to normal as possible, with less distortion and less need to move your head to find the sweet spot.

$10-$20 eyeglasses are made of a variety of materials such as plastic, metal and some mixed materials and come in different styles such as fully rimmed eyeglasses, semi-rimmed glasses and rimless eyeglasses. If you want to choose a pair of $10-$20 eyeglasses, you should obtain a prescription from the local optic store before buying the prescription glasses. You can ask the optician at the local optic store to measure the papillary distance. The online eyeglasses store will require the information in the prescription glasses and papillary distance to make a pair of eyeglasses with accurate power. Then, you need to make sure your face shape. If your face shape is round, it is recommended that you wear square eyeglasses frames. If you have a face that is proportionally oval, all shapes of eyeglasses frames will be suitable to you. If you have a square face shape, you can wear eyeglasses frames that are circular or curved. If you have oblong face shape, you should choose triangular eyeglasses frame. Circular and rectangular eyeglasses frames are suitable for people that have oblong face shape. People with heart face shape should wear eyeglasses frames that have wider bottoms. People with diamond face shape should wear circular eyeglasses frame. You can also wear cat eye eyeglasses frames if you have diamond face shape. If you have a face with narrow forehead, it is recommended that you choose the base down triangle eyeglasses frame.

about 8-10 dollar glasses

June 25th, 2015 by admin No comments »

A new pair of glasses can leaving you seeing double over the price. Fancy frames, special lenses, and protective coatings can add up to $500 or more. Actually, you can chop the overall cost significantly to $8-$10 by purchasing eyeglasses online. Prices are low because glasses are either manufactured on site, outsourced to other countries, or are last season’s leftovers. Generally speaking, the specs manufactured on site tend to be more on trend but have a higher starting rate while offering less of a selection.

To get eyeglasses price $8 to $10, ask your doctor for a copy of your eyeglasses prescription, plus your pupillary distance number. The distance measured in millimeters between the centers of the pupils in each eye. Moreover, eyeglasses stores often have coupons and special half-price deals. When you find this kind of deal, consider buying a backup pair in case your primary pair is lost or broken. That way you won’t have to run to an expensive shop to have a replacement made right away. Or just ask for a discount if you buy two pairs. Moreover, you need to make sure your face shape. If your face shape is round, it is recommended that you wear square eyeglasses frames. If you have a face that is proportionally oval, all shapes of eyeglasses frames will be suitable to you. If you have a square face shape, you can wear eyeglasses frames that are circular or curved. If you have oblong face shape, you should choose triangular eyeglasses frame. Circular and rectangular eyeglasses frames are suitable for people that have oblong face shape. People with heart face shape should wear eyeglasses frames that have wider bottoms. People with diamond face shape should wear circular eyeglasses frame. You can also wear cat eye eyeglasses frames if you have diamond face shape. If you have a face with narrow forehead, it is recommended that you choose the base down triangle eyeglasses frame.

about rimless glasses

June 25th, 2015 by admin No comments »

Rimless glasses are a type of eyeglasses in which the lenses are mounted directly to the bridge or temples. Individual pieces are put together into one piece with screws, plastic inserts or other mechanisms. The connecting link between the bridge and the temples are the lenses themselves. These can be cut into many shapes and have a flat edge. Construction of rimless glasses frames enables bigger variability for the customers not only size, but also shape wise. The advantage of rimless glasses is low weight, little saliency, undisturbed viewing field. The low points can be higher inclination to damaging. It is necessary to note that there are drilled types of glasses on the market, which are extremely firm and flexible and with correct choice of lenses they can be a lot more durable than the full-frame or half-frame glasses.

Rimless eyeglasses frames are designed for people who don’t want to be noticed that they are wearing eyeglasses. If your face shape is round, it is recommended that you wear square eyeglasses frames. If you have a face that is proportionally oval, all shapes of eyeglasses frames will be suitable to you. If you have a square face shape, you can wear eyeglasses frames that are circular or curved. If you have oblong face shape, you should choose triangular eyeglasses frame. Circular and rectangular eyeglasses frames are suitable for people that have oblong face shape. People with heart face shape should wear eyeglasses frames that have wider bottoms. People with diamond face shape should wear circular eyeglasses frame. You can also wear cat eye eyeglasses frames if you have diamond face shape. If you have a face with narrow forehead, it is recommended that you choose the base down triangle eyeglasses frame.

When shopping for rimless eyeglasses, be sure to do research on the internet. When you spend time to do research, you can compare the prices of different eyeglasses frames across various online eyeglasses stores. You can visit the reviews site to read reviews of customers to evaluate the qualities of the rimless eyeglasses. Almost all online eyeglasses stores will have negative customer’s feedbacks. You should avoid buying from an online eyeglasses shop that has too many negative feedbacks. Reading reviews can help you to find out what experiences the previous customers have. If you have question, you can ask the customer service representative. You can dial the customer service phone number at the online eyeglasses store if you have question.

You should obtain a prescription from the local optic store before buying the prescription glasses. You can ask the optician at the local optic store to measure the papillary distance. The online eyeglasses store will require the information in the prescription glasses and papillary distance to make a pair of eyeglasses with accurate power. You can set a budget before buying the eyeglasses. You should not place a lot of emphasis on the eyeglasses price as it is not the most important thing. Instead, you should place emphasis on the eyeglasses quality. You can ask friend to give you recommendations on eyeglasses store that offer highest quality eyeglasses. You should write down the telephone number and web address of the online eyeglasses stores that your friend suggests you.

about Semi rimless glasses

June 24th, 2015 by admin No comments »

Semi rimless glasses typically have metal or plastic material around the upper part of the lenses, leaving the bottom part of the lens rimless. Like rimless frames, polycarbonate or trivex lenses are strongly suggested to withstand drilling on the lenses. However, with semi-rimless, as an alternative to drilling, the eyeglasses can be held in place by a filament, similar to fishing line, which goes into the grove making it invisible. Aesthetically, with semi-rimless glasses, the framed rim follows the eyebrows so it is not as noticeable but the naked edge is on the bottom where it is more visible, making the semi-rimless a trendy style.

Semi rimless eyeglasses have the combined benefits of fully rimmed glasses and the rimless eye wear. This is the reason why they are the most favored choices of many. Firstly, as compared to the full framed glasses, these eyeglasses are extremely lighter as their lenses o are only half covered by the frame. This gives a concise look to its wearer with fewer materials used in contrast to the full-framed glasses. This reduces immense burden on the nose, thus making it the most preferred choices of many. Secondly, Semi rimless eyeglasses put forth almost the natural look of the wearer. Absence of the bottom frame in these eyeglasses opens up the cheekbone thus, giving you a much cleaner and a natural look. This feature of the Semi-rimless eyeglasses thereby provides the desired class and elegance to your overall appearance. Though semi rimless eyeglasses looks good on all the face types, it is an ultimate option for those who have a narrow face as the frame runs solely around the top or bottom of the lenses. Thirdly, semi rimless eyeglasses involves a simple frame structure which comprises of lenses that are securely placed in the semi-rimless frames which runs through the top or the bottom of the lenses and a durable transparent cord on the opposite side of the frame. Because of the less material being used in the frame of these eyeglasses, they are lighter. This adds to the comfort and convenience of its wearers. These eyeglasses are flexible and extremely durable. As compared to the rimless eye wear, these eyeglasses are very much sturdier in construction. In addition to the durability, it also offers you the desired style that you wish to have in your pair of eyeglasses. Lastly, As compared to the rimless eye wear, these glasses are comparatively affordable. If you have been using the conventional fully-rimmed eyeglasses, you can go in for the semi rimless eyeglasses that can make you look classy and neat without making a hole in your pocket.

Semi rimless glasses are very fashionable and much more creative than your typical framed glasses. Ladies who are looking for a perfect pair of eyeglasses will look more elegant and fashionable when wearing these items of eyewear. Moreover, semi rimless glasses will make the wearer look professional. It is a good choice for the people who works behind a desk. Narrow faced women look great in semi rimless cat-eye shaped glasses and can very easily pull off the naughty librarian. Semi rimless glasses stand out on the face and are not for people who want their glasses to blend in.

About Full frame glasses

June 24th, 2015 by admin No comments »

Full frame glasses implies glasses where the lenses completely encapsulated or surrounded by a metal, plastic or polycarbonate frame. This helps in protecting the lenses, while the manufactures use the rim to display flamboyant designs and unorthodox shades of colour. Though considered a little heavier than the other two, fully rimmed glasses are the preferred choice for those who want to put on a trendy look and are willing to experiment with colours. This is why, full frame glasses are such a hot favourite among the college going users.

Full frame glasses are actually great for everyone. Both kids and adults can use them, plus they fit into a variety of lifestyles. You should get full frame glasses if you like the classic full bodied look and want to accentuate the appearance of your eyeglasses and like flaunting it. Moreover, if you need larger corrective lenses, full frame glasses are also a best choice, because most half frame or rimless glasses cannot hold as thick lenses as full frame glasses can, by virtue of extra support. Full frame glasses are also suitable for the people who do not want to worry too much about maintenance.

Full frame glasses can be made from a wide range of materials such as metals, plastics and so on. This category of frame offers the largest choice, and you’ll find everything from the oversized style to more minimalist approaches. When it comes to the shape of your frame, you’re spoiled for choice. As well as reflecting your personal taste, the shape should match your lifestyle and activities. Moreover, the most important guideline is that your frame should be contrast to your face shape.

about transition glasses

June 24th, 2015 by admin No comments »

Transition glasses are equipped with transition lenses which are a brand-specific type of photochromic lenses. Transition lenses use photochromic technology to assist user vision through a range of light condition, which will darken when exposed to ultraviolet light.

Transition glasses are produced in a sterile, dust-free manufacturing environment so airborne particles and dust do not lodge in the lens material. A liquid containing millions of photochromic molecules is applied to the front surface of the lenses after they are heated gently so that the lenses become porous. The lens acts like a sponge, absorbing the photochromic material into the top layers. Once the liquid has dried, the lenses are UV sensitive and will change from clear to dark. When exposed to UV light, the molecules become energized and activated and cause the lens to darken. After the lenses are coated with the photochromic liquid, they can scratch very easily in their raw state. So, Transition glasses always receive a scratch resistant coating.

Transition glasses are different from standard lenses as they develop tint when exposed to UV rays. This means users don’t need a separate pair of prescription sunglasses, as the transition lenses will form a tint to shield their eyes on sunny days. This can be tiresome, especially if you are going from shop to shop on a hot summer’s day and can’t see price tags due to the tint on your sunglasses. Switching glasses is not only irritating, but can also increase the chance of a pair being left in a cafe or restaurant. Glasses that can rest on your face for the whole day are much less likely to go astray.

Transitions glasses don’t only produce a tint on glorious summer days. UV rays are present even on cloudy days and these rays can damage your eyes if experienced for prolonged periods. Transitions lenses produce a pale tint on overcast days, with the tint becoming darker as higher levels of sunlight occur. When indoors, Transitions lenses become clear again, meaning you can watch TV or read a book without the tint disturbing your vision.

Transition glasses were formulated to take the hassle out of changing glasses for outdoor and indoor tasks. Transition lenses may not react, however, when driving a car. This is due to the fact that most windscreens come fitted with some UV protection in the glass. If the windscreen inhibits UV levels sufficiently, there may not be enough UV to activate the tint in the glasses. Many people who use Transitions lenses keep a cheap pair of sunglasses in the car due to this lack of reaction.

Memory plastic glasses

June 24th, 2015 by admin No comments »

Memory plastic glasses are the eyeglasses with frames made of memory plastic. Memory plastic is one of the newest material which is available for eyeglasses frame. In fact, it can also be classified into plastic material. But different from traditional plastic, memory plastic is more durable and flexible. Besides, this material is very light. Thus, there are lots of people prefer to choose memory plastic glasses. Traditionally, plastic is a kind of light material for glasses frame. However, they are not durable and easy to be broken. Moreover, glasses frame made of plastic are usually in thick frame. When referring to memory plastic, it is not only light and durable, but also avoids rust. Besides, memory plastic glasses frame can return its original shape even if you twist them. So, memory plastic is an idea material for eyeglasses frame.

These memory plastic glasses are perfect for children who often handle their eyeglasses carelessly. However, even when the child handles bendable eyeglasses they will not break out they will actually restore their original form. Anyone that plays sports will do well to wear these items of eyewear. It is possible to wear bendable eyeglasses without having to worry about the eyewear breaking on account of a fall or other action. Memory plastic glasses can also be worn on the beach. Even if the wearer accidentally falls down, these eyeglasses will not break. It is their unbreakable nature that has helped to popularize bendable eyeglasses. Today, more and more people are buying these kinds of eyeglasses because they offer safety and they are also comfortable, light in weight and very durable.

Memory plastic glasses come in different styles such as full frame, semi-rimless and rimless style. These styles also can be different shapes such as rectangular, round and wayfarer. Which pair is suitable for you, you need to know your face shapes and your lifestyle requirements firstly.

Mixed materials glasses

June 24th, 2015 by admin No comments »

Mixed materials glasses, also called combination frames eyeglasses, are eyeglasses with frame composed of a variety of materials such as plastic, metal and other materials. You might say that combination frames are all mixed up. That’s because they do not use the same frame material for the whole frame. For example, the frame front might be metal while the temple use Zyl, leather, crystal or wood. For those who remember the Ronsir ZYL and Nusir Bouquet by Shuron, Ltd., you’ll recall that these styles were perhaps the most popular combination frames of the 20th century. For those who came after, you may recognize them in nearly every major motion picture set in the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. More recently, you’ve seen them on Kevin Costner in The Untouchables and JFK, Matt Damon in The Good Shepherd, and Denzel Washington in Malcolm X. These frames have a metal eyewire with a plastic overlay known as trim on the top and plastic temples that match. Believe it or not, these frames are still available from Shuron for those who want a major retro look.

Mixed material glasses help you get the best of both materials with frames that combine the sleek sophistication of metal with the colors and thickness of plastic. The cool contrast of these popular material does add visual interest. Never before has there been such a variety of frame materials to use for informed, technologically driven patients. When you choose a pair of mixed material glasses, you need to know the features and benefits of each frame material and what best meets your lifestyle requirements.

Typically, wood temples are placed on frames with precious materials such as platinum and gold and are available on higher-priced items. Carved wood and ivory temples are standard on the more exclusive brands. Precious stones like diamonds and emeralds, as well as crystals, can also adorn eyeglass frames. Moreover, the plastic and metal parts are commonly used in the construction of the mixed materials glasses. They grew to popularity in the 1950s and 60s, and in more recent years, their popularity has grown with frames and in more colors and modern styles. The styles are modern retro. The vintage details include strong cat-eye shapes, chunky structure, keyhole bridges, gold tones and jewelry accents. Colors are face-flattering, including black, rose, gray, crystal, bone, khaki and tortoise.

Memory metal glasses

June 23rd, 2015 by admin No comments »

Memory metal glasses frame is a titanium alloy composed of roughly 50% titanium and 50% nickel. Frames made of memory metal are extremely flexible, and can be twisted or bended to an extreme and still return to their original shape. This feature makes memory metal frames great for kids or anyone who is hard on their glasses.

Since memory metal glasses frames have the ability to return to their original shape after being bent, twisted or crushed. Consequently, they are easy to adjust.

Firstly, put your glasses on and look in the mirror. You will want to know exactly what adjustments need to be made before you get started. If your glasses have a nose pad, adjust that first. This will be the easiest part of the adjustment because that portion is usually held together by screws and not by the resilient aluminum-silicon combination. Be careful not to over-bend the nose pad. You may need to use a tiny screwdriver to remove the pad and make the necessary adjustments.

Secondly, adjust your memory metal eyeglasses in specific parts. Attempts to shape them at the shaft of the temple and on the nose bridge are futile. The tips of the temples are often not made from the flexible material. Look into a mirror and place the lenses directly in front of your pupils. Take note of whether you need to adjust the piece up or down. Use your fingers to grip the joints and make the adjustments. If this doesn’t work, try with needle-nosed pliers. The design allows you to ensure the tips of the temples are adjustable to rest on your ears. The two most common objectives are to position the center of the lens exactly in front of your pupils or to make the glasses more comfortable.

Lastly, raise one arm of the glasses at the tip of the temple on one side and lower the other to fix glasses that do not sit evenly. Remember to grip the joint tightly. The manufacturer designed the frame for level ears. Often, people have one ear that is slightly higher than the other, so this is a typical adjustment.