Archive for the ‘Eyeglasses’ category

Brief introduction of presbyopia

December 7th, 2009

The origin of the word “presbyopia” is two Greek words “presbys” and “opia”, which mean “old man” and “eye”, respectively. So presbyopia is also called elder eye, and it is an eye problem where the eyes are not able to focus on near objects. For examples, people have difficulty in reading newspapers or other fine print, especially in low light condition. Presbyopia is a symptom caused by the natural course of aging, and it is very common among elders. Presbyopia usually first occurred between the ages of 40 to 50. The mechanisms of presbyopia have not been known exactly. It may be caused by a loss of elasticity of the crystalline lens or the changes in the lens’s curvature from continual growth and loss of power of the ciliary muscles.

Similar to another kind of eye problem called myopia (nearsightedness), presbyopia can be corrected by eye glasses or contact lenses. Because it is considered as a part of the human aging process, just like grey hair or death, presbyopia is not routinely curable. However, people with presbyopia can choose surgical procedures, including IOLs.

Presbyopia is the opposite condition of myopia. So people with myopia are usually able to read without eyeglasses or contact lenses even after age 40, although their nearsightedness may not disappear. This is the payoff of nearsightedness. Due to the disadvantage of being presbyopic after age of 40, refractive surgery for correcting myopia are not suggested. Because people with refractive surgery may become presbyopia, and they need to use glasses for reading.

How to adjust rimless and plastic discount eyeglasses?

December 7th, 2009

People these days buy through online stores pairs of rimless or plastic discount eyeglasses for back-up. These purchase of discount eyeglasses lacks the procedure of fitting and fine adjustment by the opticians, therefore sometimes these discount eyewear doesn’t fit for the wearers. Metal discount eye glasses are considered the easiest to be adjusted, yet as the plastic and rimless discount eyeglasses represent more styles and shapes similar to or same as designers’ look, people still like to buy plastic and rimless discount eyeglasses in fashion look.

The rimless discount eyeglasses are the most vulnerable type which easily gets crooked. This mainly lies in the quality of the frame material ad the workmanship of the optician. Before adjusting rimless discount eyewear, you’d better know the quality of lenses whether they are polycarbonate or regular plastic like CR-39. Don’t try to adjust CR-39, leave it to the optician.

Plastic discount eye glasses are not so easy to adjust comparing with the metal ones. Usually you need to adjust the temples and the nose bridge of the discount eyewear. Most of the nose support of plastic eye glasses is an integral part of the frame, so nothing can be done for this part. Plastic need heat to be softened. You need to put on the discount eyewear first to see which part is too tight or too loose, which part the angel is not enough, and heat that part, and bend it or twist it t the comfortable position for you. Some recommend hair dyer as the heat source, but I think it is not hot enough to soften the plastic frame. Please try oven! Put the part over the oven but keep the frame parts away from visible fire in a distance that the parts can receive enough heat to become gradually soften. Test the pliability on the way you out the part over the oven, till it is soft and ca be adjusted.

How to adjust and avoid the crooked plastic frames?

December 4th, 2009

Plastic frames occupy a large portion of all the eyeglass frames. Plastic frames, especially those bold and thick one, are highly popular among girls and women. Plastic eyeglass frames are also the options for teenagers. As plastic frames are normally thicker than metal eyeglass frames, they are particularly good for fitting those thick-edge strong prescription lenses. Plastic frames are also lightweight and corrosion-free.

Plastic frames, after being worn for some time, may get crooked and warped, causing the optical center of lenses unmatched with that of the eyes. This may trigger eye strain and headache. This is when these plastic frames need to be adjusted.

Adjusting the plastic eyeglass frames is not as easy as metal frames. The best way to adjust the plastic frames is to send the eyeglass frames to your optician who has the professional outfits such as sand or fine glass beads heated container to “sand bathe” and then soften the plastic frames to be bended for adjustments.

If you want to adjust the plastic frames at home, some people suggest use hair drier to heat the eyeglass frames, or use hot but not-boiling water to soak the plastic eyeglass frames for some 10 minutes, and then slightly and slowly bend the softened temples to the positions you intend to and hold till getting cooled. Please note that some material of plastic frames could not be softened using above home heat. In case you will use other heat sources such as oven, you need to be cautious of overheat which may ruin the plastic eyeglass frames, and of getting burned though the plastic eyeglass frames are not so easily ignited.

One case that no heat is needed to adjust the plastic eyeglass frames is to adjust the hinge part, when the two temples are warped with one temple being higher than the other. You can simply grasp the temple and apply strength to bend it either up or down depending on the situation.

A good habit of putting on and removing the plastic frames eyeglasses by holding the two temples using two hands evenly can reduce the warp and crook of the plastic frames.

How to take care of eyeglass frame

December 4th, 2009

Eyeglass frame is the major part for composing a pair of glasses. Normally eyeglass frame is made of plastic or metal, so we need to remember the following tips to take better care of eyeglass frame.

1. Put your glasses in the protective case so that the eyeglass frame will not be twisted or bended by accident, and also to prevent the eyeglass frame from exposing to chemicals and salt which is harmful to it.

2. When you lie down or sleep, please take off your eyeglass frame from your face to avoid rolling onto your side.

3. Use a soft micro cloth to wipe off your perspiration in case the salt from sweat may erode he metal structure of the eyeglass frame, especially the slim part holding the nose pad.

4. Prepare a small screwdriver to check and tighten the screws which are loose.

5. Do not take off the eyeglass frame fro your face one-handedly. Simutaneously lifting the two temples from ears will decrease the possibility of changing the shape of eyeglass frame.

6. Please go to visit a vision service center for periodical adjustments of eyeglass frame if you find it difficult to do it by yourself.

As a pair of eyeglass frame will cost you hundreds of dollars and glasses is a vision aid, a perfect care of eyeglass frame and lenses is fundamentally necessary.

Numerous options of eyeglasses

December 1st, 2009

Many factors should be taken into account in selecting appropriate eyeglasses, including fit, functionality, protection as well as style.

Before choosing eyeglasses, a person should know the features of his or her face, because different eyeglass frames suit faces with different shapes. The eyeglasses should be appropriate in size for one’s facial characteristics, that both too big and too small frames should be avoided.

Eyeglasses are also available in protection styles. In some states, it is required by laws that riders should wear protection eyewear if there are no facial shields. Foam-back glasses are convenient and provide adequate protection. Protection eyeglasses should be manufactured with strict fitness and large lenses.

Clip-on glasses are popular nowadays. The clip should fit the edges of the glass properly and be close to the lens. In most cases, clip-on glasses need additional adjustments at the time of purchase. There are also colored lenses that offer both good look and great functionality.

Smoked lenses feature convenience and extended durability. While filtering out blue light, amber lenses always provide sharp contrast and sharp shadow definition even in over-cast conditions. Yellow lenses are particularly suitable for night driving, as well as in conditions of snow and fog. Clear lenses can provide ample UV protection and suit conditions with low light.

Another particular type of lenses is photochromic lenses, which are commonly used in conditions of varying light. Polarized lenses are designed to fight against high glare, which protects the eyes form sudden flashes of light thus avoid potential retina damage. Reflective lenses can reflect the light away from the eyes, relaxing the eyes and reducing eye stress.

Besides of the functions from those various eyeglass lenses, some people also resort to eyeglasses for fashion. Branded sunglasses are quite popular on the high fashion markets, but these glasses are very expensive. However, the most important criterion is that the eyeglasses should fit one’s face. In addition, the materials of eyeglasses frames are also worth customer’s attention. A strong steel frame is suitable for a businessman, while sportier people always choose a light titanium frame.

Youngsters crave for designer frames

November 29th, 2009

Decades ago, most of the people thought wearing eyeglasses is dull and studious. Yet conceptions have been changing dramatically since the global fashion designers enter the creative world turning out thousands of designer frames which young adults love. Since the initial birth of designer eyeglass frames, wearing glasses is no longer a matter of stigma and nerd. Instead having designer eyeglasses frames worn on the face is a thing of dignity and knowledgeability.

Young people care emphatically about their facial expressions. Once these youngsters get vision problems, they will buy designer frames that will best enhance their personality, if their financial status permits. They think their eyes are the first thing their peers see, hence the designer eyeglass frames in front of eyes. By wearing eyeglasses in designer frames young people could regain self confidence and sometimes become the envy of others.

The popularity of some designer frames among young admirers lies partially on the fact that their celebrities are wearing these designer eyeglass frames. This is the good reason why the business of designer frames has been booming through the years. This even explains why some big kids wear zero-powered glasses in designer frames just to show they admire the specific mega star.

There are designer eyeglasses frames for corrective purpose and for corrective purpose and for use under bright sunshine. The latter is designer sunglasses.

The Evolution of Glasses

November 26th, 2009

People suffering from eyesight problems a century ago might have never thought of having a clear vision with the assistant of glasses and those might also have thought of wearing glasses directly on the eyeball surfaces. Yes, it is the magic of high-tech.

Then, let’s together have a review of the evolution of glasses in modern times.

Eyeglasses in modern times were heavy framed, and the lenses were heavy and thick, which glasses wearer over 50 may remember. Apparently, that kind of glasses are very uncomfortable to wear, neither is good looking, plus they are very easy to damage for the lenses are made from glass. Frames at that time are made either from tortoise and some other natural things or from wire. Therefore, they were fairly expensive and only the rich could afford a pair.

With the development of society and technology, plastics are introduced to the glass lens production. Featured with light weight, higher index of refraction, plastic lenses went over big as soon as they came into the market. The only drawback of plastic lenses compared with glass is that they are inclined to be scratched, however, the later technology of coating solve the problem in some degree. Plastics can also be used into the frame production. The beak resistant plastics not only improve the glass performances but also bring down frame prices, making glasses a common product for common people.

Besides, alloys applied in glass frame production are flexible and of shape memory. Gradually they gain popularity by the mass as well.

With the further development of technology, the contact lenses, which correct vision by covering the visible portion of the eye, or say the sclera, come into being. At the very beginning, contacts lenses were mostly hard or rigid, which made them uncomfortable to wear, but they were very as clear, light weight and with higher index of refraction as plastic. What’s more they helped the wearers get rid of the bound of glasses.

Later, materials for contacts came to be various and then the hard lenses were gradually eliminated. What’s more, the designation of small grooves and holes enable oxygen easy to get through the lens, and the tears flows more freely, greatly improving the eye health. Contacts of those kinds take very little adaptation time, so most wearers are able to wear without eye irritation and infection. The new wearers are suggested to remove the lenses at least a few hours per week.

Optical industry insider talks about eyeglasses

November 23rd, 2009

According to 2005 MIT report, the cost of a pair of mass produced eyeglasses is only 2 dollars. While most of the Americans are paying hundreds for a pair, even in online stores, the price of discount eyeglasses frames and lenses will cost 50 dollars.

Based on insiders of American optical industry, the general markup in most of the eyeglasses stores is from threefold to thirty fold. Though cheap stores like Walmart offers discount eyeglasses frames and lenses, but still insiders say a markup of fourfold is reasonable in the industry though facing the fierce competition from new entrants. Now with the booming of internet technology, online stores compete with brick and mortar ones, buyers can get even more discount eyeglasses frames and lenses at the price of only a fraction of the optical stores. Though people in the very beginning felt reluctant and worried to buy discount eyeglasses online, now more and more people are hunting for a best deal on the net. Even for those conservative people, they can at least buy the discount eyeglasses frames from web stores, and then go to optometrist’s office for installing lenses. In this way, he enjoys all the traditional optical services, meanwhile he can still save 50%. Furthermore, discount eyeglasses frames are especially good for those clear-lenses eyeglasses users who need not worry about the prescription preciseness.

Some American optical experts predict that optical stores are one of the last sections in America that will be finally decimated by the surge of online discount eyeglasses frames and cheap but same quality lenses.

Equilibrium between function and fashion

November 22nd, 2009

Glasses wearers used to have the impression that they will have to make great efforts in choosing glasses, which can always make them look older. With time goes by, nowadays, functions and fashion can be aggregated in the prescription eyeglasses.

Some people hold that now that it is possible to receive some eye surgery, why do they still take prescription glasses? The fact is that such surgery is not suitable for all people. Just image that glasses can sometimes be used as essential accessories, which can always embody the element of fashion, so do not feel furious about wearing glasses.

Nowadays, there appear some very fashionable glasses brands, which can always provide top glasses frames in the world. Of which, Sean John, Marco Jacobs are very typical examples. And it is very common to notice that many glasses wearers have loved these brands very much.

The image of Harry Potter has exerted great influences on the youngsters in terms of prescription glasses. As for this reason, prescribing glasses has become very popular thing among them. For the special features of the younger crowd, their glasses should be able to combat forceful impact. And of course, flexibility and elasticity are also very important.

Materials employed to produce such glasses are also the results of many considerations. Of which, Wood and bamboo are very common. They are not only can be renewed very easily, but can be used as products of environmental protection.

The disposed Plastic and metal frames are not the wastes like other dumps, which has attracted the caution of many environmentalist. In fact, the latest plastic metal frames are dominants in the glasses field. Some of the best materials are very welcomed, as Titanium and stainless steel, for they can help people who have suffered a lot from skin allergies.

In most cases, people will buy a lot of glasses to match their clothing. For instance, some women would like to wear colorful glasses for the sake of their accessories. Hence, it is very common to see people match their dresses with specific glasses frames.

Why does this happen? The foremost important factor is that some retailers are prompted some activities, in which consumers can benefit a lot, say, they can have two pairs at the price of one. Hence, some have got many glasses at a very low price.

Another reason is that glasses frames can be used for a very long time. Generally, some pairs of different glasses can be used for even longer time.

The last possibility might be that glasses are not only for the sole purpose of vision correction. Some people even think different frames can present their different glamour. People tend to wear different glasses on different occasions.

The facts foregoing proves that glasses prescription is a matter of function and fashion as well.

Do You Fit Rimless Glasses?

November 20th, 2009

At present, glasses, like necklace, hat, and scarf, are fashion accessories that play an important role in our daily life, whether for vision correction or for ornament. Proper glasses show your temperament and your personality. Similarly, unbefitting glasses will greatly singularize your flaw of facial features and effect image.

In the past few years, rimless glasses emerge as an inundant glasses style people love. However, the point is that not everyone is fit to wear rimless glasses, therefore, before you make a decision to purchase a pair of rimless glasses, you have to make sure whether rimless glasses are perfect for you.

Rimless glasses are merely composed of lenses, which are connected by nosepieces and glass legs. In light of the absence of frames, rimless glasses are much lighter than any other kind of glasses. They are fairly suitable for those who have to wear glasses for a whole day, reducing the burden on nose bridge. What is more, the arms of rimless glasses are mostly made from titanium, which is a very expensive and durable but extremely lightweight material. The application of titanium presents a further favorable feature for those who need their glasses for everyday activities. Also due to the use of titanium, rimless glasses are resistant to oxidation, resistant to rustiness and everlasting. All in all, rimless glasses are considered to be the most comfortable glasses for one to wear.

Owing to the absence of frames, rimless glasses almost seem to be invisible on the wearers’ faces. Therefore, if you used to wear glasses to mask features or hid flaws in appearance of your face; if you want to shift others’ attentions by wearing glasses; if you, having not so beautiful cheekbone or anisomerous eyes, want to give others an illusion that you have a different shape of facial form and cover your eyes, rimless glasses may not be your perfect choice.

On the contrary, if you possess perfect facial form, and are eager to show to others or spice up your face by the adornment of glasses; if you want to show off every single feature of your face; if you want to get rid of the heavy glasses of old style to relax both your nose bridge and eyes; and if you want to see a clearer world with a feeling that you seem to wear nothing, rimless glasses are here waiting for you to provide you another experience, beside, rimless glasses would probably plus an heir of elegance to you to further enhance your beauty.

However, fortunately, what is illustrated above are not so absolute. Designers have been making their efforts to improve the designation of rimless glasses in hope of making more people look fine and great with a pair of rimless glasses on faces.

Anyway, until now, rimless glasses have successfully help those who have to wear an extra headgear to make help them see a clear world, and they do not have to bear such glasses with bulky frames anymore. With rimless glasses, they are possibly to experience the same with those who are born to be with a perfect vision of twenty-twenty.