Prescription Safety Glasses For Your Safety And Vision Correction

November 17th, 2009 by Stephen Simon Leave a reply »

I retired from work 2 years ago, and life became purposeless and empty everyday. In order to fill the emptiness, I formed a habit of DIY, to renovate old furniture and fortunately I have restored several properties. Although it took time and money, I felt quite happy. The only drawback is that my glasses, more specifically speaking, the lenses suffer for it. They either get dust from sanding or are hit by sparks from grinding. And when I tried to clean them with eyeglass cloth, they inclined to be scratched. Two pairs of my glasses have been the victims.

Since changing glasses or lenses are quite money cost, I think I need safety glasses, which are usually put on together with my original glasses. They are large enough to cover the glasses inside and are specially designed to be kept on face firmly. However, the problem is that, with the safety glasses on, I am not able to see things in vision clearly through two layer of plastic. What’s more the object in sight even sometimes gets distorted, because one day when I struggled to see my wife, she appeared to be cranky. Therefore, it seems that the safety glasses do not work on me, and I have to burden them. Then it seems that I have no choice but constant change of lenses if I want to continue my work of DIY.

However, the good news is that, several days ago, I was introduced an innovation, the prescription safety glasses, which are able to provide both vision correction and protection. The lenses on prescription safety glasses are of polycarbonate, protecting lenses from scratched and the same time, they are prescribed according to specific eyesight condition. And the frames are of high durability, prolonging life length. And then, what makes me more excited is that they are not as expensive as I think they should be. Therefore, what I need are just two pairs of glasses, one for daily time use while the other for DIY time use. It means that I do not have to change glasses lenses constantly, which saves me a lot of money as well as a lot of time. What’s more, vision will be no longer distorted or blurred.

The next day I told my neighbor who is also a fan of DIY. Getting the news, he was also very excited because he has refused to do DIY since the time a piece of sawdust flew into his eyes. His eyes were red for a couple of days, because of some minor damage and infection to eyes. However, now he said that he could embark on DIY once again.


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