Cataract surgery procedure

October 21st, 2009 by George Manche Leave a reply »

Cataract surgery is the procedure of removing the cloudy lens of the eye. Cataract surgery replaces the natural lens with a synthetic lens to restore the lens’s transparency thus the normal vision is back. A synthetic lens of cataract surgery is more widely known as a permanent intraocular lens (IOL) implant. There are three types of Cataract surgery: Phacoemulsification (Phaco), conventional extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) and intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE). The first kind of cataract surgery is performed in most cases.

Certain preparations should be made before a cataract surgery. Firstly, ophthalmologist should make sure that there are no associated pathologies, which may cause interference. The power of the IOL to be implanted should match the length of the eye and cornel curvature. So a prior measurement must be made before the cataract surgery.

During the cataract surgery process, the patient will be given eye drops to dilate the pupil and a sedative for relaxation. The doctor will cleanse the skin of your eye. Under a microscope, a small incision is made into the eye. The whole cataract surgery process consists of many steps: anaesthesia, eyeball exposure, eye entry, hydrodissection pie, IOL implantation, viscoelastic removal and wood sealing etc…

After the cataract surgery, a protective shield will be put over the eye. The cataract surgery may cause mild discomfort so that subsequent care should be taken. During the following few weeks after a cataract surgery, you should take eye drops prescribed by the surgeon several times everyday. Sunglasses are needed for protection from bright light.

Cataract surgery is safe and can achieve almost perfect outcomes. Less than 2% of the cataract surgery takers may have sight-threatening complications.


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