What are every day glasses?

July 1st, 2010 by Scott Mozayeni Leave a reply »

Eyewear products come in different types like prescription eyeglasses, regular sunglasses and safety glasses. Among all of these items, prescription glasses maintain a largest group of users because the spread of vision problems around the world. Myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia are affecting millions of children and adults in this world. Until now, there are mainly three approaches to vision rectification. Wearing a pair of prescription glasses is the most traditional way. Using prescription contact lenses is also a popular solution which eliminates some people’s concern about personal appearance with eyewear. Eye refractive surgery occurred only several years ago and is considered as the most modern way. The application of eye surgeries is still limited because they can not guarantee 100% success. Till now, Rx eyewear remains as the most common solution to regular vision conditions. And a large portion of eyeglass users need to rely on every day glasses.

Visual refractive errors including nearsightedness and farsightedness are caused by abnormalities in the eyeball. And with time passing by, these conditions will deteriorate. This degradation process continues until the eyes are completely mature when reaching a certain age. Knowing this basic fact, it is understandable that these conditions occur in different levels of severity. Some people are seriously visual defected and some others may be just slightly affected. And for those with particularly poor vision, every day glasses are necessary. This means they have to rely on this type of vision aid during nearly all daily activities. Without this help, everything is blurry. Well, it is now easy to see some people wearing a pair of eyeglasses with crystal clear lenses on the street. These glasses simply belong to this category.

For some others, prescription eyeglasses are only needed during certain activities like watching a blackboard, doing homework, reading newspapers and so on. In some cases, it is said that these people use Rx eyewear on a part-time basis. Another example is reading glasses. They are generally not every day glasses, because nearly no elderly individuals use a pair of readers for a day long on a regular basis. Returning to regular Rx eyewear, the use frequency is determined by the wearer’s vision condition and partially personal needs.


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