Posts Tagged ‘Boston contact lenses’

Boston contact lenses

January 28th, 2010

Boston contact lenses are very popular with people worldwide, especially for gas permeable (GP) lenses, which can allow your eyes to breathe while offering a clear vision and durable lens. So the innovation of GP Boston contact lenses takes the place of soft contact lenses and older and uncomfortable hard contact lenses. It is customer-specific that GP Boston contact lenses are made by an array of base designs and precision prescriptions to satisfy different needs of customers. The following will introduce several popular styles of GP Boston contact lenses.

Boston II contact lenses are a style of GP Boston contact lenses with the merits of durable but economical for vision correction. The lens stays fresh owing to patented, ultra-smooth, non-stick surface which are dirt and debris-resistant.  For people with sensitive eyes, dry eyes, or astigmatism or having difficulty in wearing soft lenses or eyeglasses, Boston II contact lenses will be an excellent choice.

Boston ES contact lenses are specially made for daily users. It provides a high level of comforts since it can reduce eye strains caused by long time wearing. More important, with AERCOR lens architecture, the comforts Boston ES contact lenses can offer can not be surpassed by any other lenses.

Boston Envision contact lenses are perfect choice for astigmatic patients and can also help correct other eye disorders. The unique back surface design and customer-specific lenses are able to give people the utmost comforts. Moreover, the optimal clarity can be improved by a wide optic zone supplied by Boston Envision contact lenses.

Boston Cleaning

December 22nd, 2009

For Boston contact lenses, the proper Boston cleaning is very necessary and important for your eye health and the lens life. The Boston cleaner and solution are recommended to use for daily lens care in Boston cleaning. The below are instructions regarding Boston cleaning recommended to follow:

After removing the lenses at the end of the day, Boston cleaning requires to drop two to four drops of Boston cleaner on both sides of lenses carefully and hold it in your palm for 20 seconds, but please don’t forget to wash hands with mild soap at first. Then rinse the lens with fresh tap water to remove all traces of Boston cleaner. One important point is the Boston cleaner will irritate your eyes if not rinsed thoroughly.  For weekly protein removal, it is recommended to use Boston Cleaner for One Step Liquid Enzyatic. Then place the lens in the case filled with Boston solution for at least 4 hours before wearing. Next morning, it is daily routine that wash your hands firstly and apply a drop of Boston solution to the lens before insertion. So just repeat this Boston cleaning everyday.

For Boston cleaning, besides this, there are also some important factors should not be ignored:

Never reuse the solution and discard it 90 days after opening. And fresh solution is required by Boston cleaning to soak and store lenses.

It is required to clean the interior of the case with hot water and air dry by Boston cleaning.

To avoid potential microbial contamination, the lens case should be replaced at three month.