Any type of glasses would look perfect with bangs! Only thing is knowing which glasses look ideal with you. To choose what glasses suits you best you have to consider the shape of your face.A long face has a high forehead that bangs cover. The face shortens with an illusion of more width to the face. For a perfect look the wider the glasses the better. Oversized frames work great with your features. Choose a bold shape that compliments your style. Standout by playing with colors and textures!Bangs gives length to a round face. To make it appear thinner and longer, angular narrow glasses lengths the face. Sharpen your softer features with rectangular frames. Choose frames that have bold angular lines. Ensure the bottom hits just above your cheekbones! Hope this helpful.
Blush with lace and a Firmoo review
April 13th, 2015 by firmoo No comments »Hi guys!
Where did the week go?! It’s always a great thing when it’s Friday and you’re wondering how the week went by so quickly. I’m loving the warmer weather we’ve been having. I am trying to wear all my blazers and cardigans as much as I can, since in about 3 weeks, I will have to put them away. We are starting to feel the humidity already, but I’m sure some would gladly take the warmer temps.
I love light colors in Spring. I paired my blush blazer and lace blouse with white pants for a romantic take on a rather casual work look. Of course I had to throw in a bit of color and added my floral pumps. I’ve had these for so long and only wear them in the Spring for some reason : )
Firmoo contacted me to try out their eyeglasses. I was very impressed with the quality and style of their eyeglasses! I wear contacts during the day but I was in need of a pair of prescription glasses in the evenings and on days my allergies are too bad to wear contacts. I picked out this pair and their customer service was very helpful in answering my questions. They came with a nice sturdy case and professional cloth for cleaning. They have a wide range of prescription glasses, reading glasses and sunglasses. And most importantly, they are extremely affordable! You can order your pair online here.
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Review: Firmoo Glasses
April 13th, 2015 by firmoo No comments »Alternate title- You look a bit Harold Lloyd!
Now being someone who has terrible eye-sight, glasses are the kind of very important thing I need in my life. Being a very frugal student with terrible eye-sight means I don’t get to upgrade on glasses very often.
I was very happy to receive an email from Firmoo asking if I could review their glasses on my blog.
Outfit Details
Peasant Blouse- made by me
Shorts- made by me
Shoes- Marshalls
Necklace(that you can hardly see)- Swap Meet
Glasses- c/o Firmoo
They have a special section just ‘For Bloggers’. I’m assuming all the super hip and trendy bloggers adore these, so that’s the selection they have. I hummed and hawed over some pairs, before I finally chose these.
At first, I had to get my prescription filled, so I asked if I could wait until I did that before I picked. Once I did so, I shot an email to Tina letting her know I got my prescription, and she let me pick my glasses. Which was super awesome, I think.
The glasses came extremely quickly, and the second I opened the package, I was met with a shiny new pair of glasses looking at me.
I desperately need to get them resized and fit to my face, but I just love them. Like any new pair of glasses, you see into all of time with them on, so I’m sure after I get the fit straightened, with regular wear, everything will be ok.
My younger sister found them to be adorable on me, and my grandpa asked if I planned on hanging off of any clock hands anytime soon.
I thought their customer service was very nice, and I don’t think I’ve ever had something ship to me in a day before, so that was good. Their site is very easy to navigate, and they are offering 50% off a pair of glassesfor new customers! So I definitely recommend Firmoo if you’d like a nice inexpensive pair of glasses.
Disclaimer- I received these glasses free of charge from in exchange for an honest review of their service.
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April 13th, 2015 by firmoo No comments »wearing these firmoo glasses–isaac likes it when i wear these glasses! i’m not used to wearing glasses (because i only wear my pair to drive at night), but i like these ones from firmoo! they are surprisingly really comfy! and i think the shape of them works well with my face, which is a miracle! i have the hardest time finding glasses/sunglasses that i think look good with my face shape! they have a 50% off two frames sale going on right now, so go ahead and browse through their awesomeness.
happy happy friday people!
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I miei Nuovi Occhiali da Vista Firmoo
April 13th, 2015 by firmoo No comments »

E infine vi mostro come mi stanno indossati… Che dite, vi piacciono? 🙂

Se anche voi volete ordinare un paio di occhiali su Firmoo, che siano da vista oppure da sole non importa, cliccate QUI per accedere al sito. Visitate anche la Pagina Facebook per essere sempre aggiornate sulle promozioni e sui giveaway dell’azienda. A presto!
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The Wall
April 13th, 2015 by firmoo No comments »
It’s funny how after living in a city for a few years, you think you know most of its places and little corners – after all when you’re a blogger you’re pretty much always in the haunt for a nice new location – but sometimes it can surprise you with something as unexpected as a beautiful, colorful wall in the center of the city. I’ve been passing near this wall for a long time but never gave it much attention. As soon as I did though I’ve felt in love – seriously how amazing is it?! I’m usually not a big fan of graffiti and things like that but I got to say, sometimes it’s real art!
I’m currently in my hometown for the Easter holidays, Easter in Greece is on the 12th so I’m going to spend the next ten days here before going back to Volos. Those who have already celebrated it, I hope you had a lovely Easter and enjoy the rest of your holiday!
Είναι αστείο το πως όταν μένεις σε μια πόλη για μερικά χρόνια, νομίζεις ότι πάνω κάτω ξέρεις τα περισσότερα μέρη και σημεία της – εξάλλου όταν είσαι blogger είσαι πάντα σε αναζήτηση μιας νέας όμορφης τοποθεσίας – αλλά μερικές φορές μπορεί να σε εκπλήξει με κάτι τόσο αναπάντεχο όσο ένας υπέροχος, χρωματιστός τοίχος στο κέντρο της πόλης. Περνούσα κοντά σ’αυτόν τον τοίχο εδώ και πολύ καιρό αλλά ποτέ δεν του έδωσα σημασία. Μόλις το έκανα όμως τον λάτρεψα – δεν είναι πανέμορφος;! Συνήθως δεν είμαι και πολύ φαν των γκράφιτι και όλων αυτών αλλά μερικές φορές ομολογουμένως είναι πραγματική τέχνη!
Είμαι τώρα στο χωριό μου για το Πάσχα και θα περάσω τις επόμενες δέκα μέρες περίπου εδώ προτού επιστρέψω πίσω στον Βόλο. Ελπίζω να περνάτε ωραία τις διακοπές σας, φιλιά!
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Firmoo Eyewear Review
April 13th, 2015 by firmoo No comments »A few weeks ago I was contacted by and asked to try out their eyeglasses. I was super stoked. I needed a new pair of glasses anyway, and once I headed to their website, I knew I would find a pair that would look awesome on me.
The website it super cool. If you create a login you can actually upload a picture and see what the different frames look like on your face. If you don’t feel like going through all of that, they have different pictures of various face shapes so you can get the general idea. Not only that, but once you get your frames, you can take a picture and upload it to the site so potential buyers can check them out that way, too.
After searching around for a while I narrowed it down to three pairs. They had so many options I had no idea where to start, but I loved the way you could see the frames on your face by uploading the picture. Ultimately, however, I chose the pair I chose based on the previous customers photos. I loved that feature!! You can really tell what the frames look like on various face shapes in “real life” photos. Definitely my favorite part of this choosing process.
During the order process you have to fill out your prescription information. I decided to go with the non prescription frames even though I needed new glasses, but only because I know my prescription is going to change in my next visit and I didn’t want to purchase something I wouldn’t wear.
I’m super happy with the frames I chose. They are cute and trendy and fit my face great! Thanks to those customer photos I could find a face shape that was close to mine and see what they would really look like!!
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It’s all about…these lightweight oversized Maui Jim sunglasses!
March 20th, 2015 by firmoo No comments »Escaping to warmer climates? We don’t blame you. We’d do a runner too if we could. The freezing cold weather has us wishing for summer like never before.
Along with your bikini, passport and party dress, don’t forget to pack your sunnies. And if you’re on the hunt for a new pair, look no further. Available in 5 colours, these oversized sunglasses by Maui Jim paired with a flattering bikini, will have you feeling like a movie star.
The go-to brand for lightweight sunglasses, Maui Jim offers a wide range of styles. So if the oversized shape isn’t really for you, you’re definitely guaranteed to find a style to suit your needs, especially with their amazing selection of choice. Maile Sunglasses,£215 available at Maui Jim.
Fashion Friday {accessories for teenage girls}
March 20th, 2015 by firmoo No comments »I’ve worn glasses since I was in the 6th grade. I have had every sort of dorky glasses known to man. Not once have I ever thought, “If I didn’t need glasses, I’d still want to wear them.” Not. Once.
But my girl? That’s a whole different story … she doesn’t need glasses. She can see perfectly. But, it appears we all want what we can’t have. And so, when Firmoo offered me a pair of glasses to review, I knew this was just the opportunity for me to give my girl a little something fun.
Who knew glasses could be such a fabulous accessory? She loves this bookish style which is apparently all the rage in the hipster circles. {And now is where I admit I am not entirely sure what it means to be hipster but apparently since my girl got a Crosley record player for Christmas and has her own vinyl collection she is firmly in the hipster camp.}
{Also, please forgive the blurry iPhone photos with the bad lighting. This is what morning is like in our house.}
Isn’t she adorable? She, like her momma, has a bit of a cardi addiction and we love the ones from Old Navy because we can get all the colors and then share!
How about that Patagonia vest with the chambray shirt? I love it … and it is soooo soft. And of course, we’re still wearing our Freeset tees we got for Easter last year. Casiday paired hers with a long cardi she grabbed from my closet on one of our many snow days in the past few weeks. Cozy and warm for a day at home.
The Firmoo glasses are very high quality. I have to admit, I was a little surprised by this since they are so inexpensive. They come with a great case and cleaning cloth. If you are looking for a new pair of glasses or sunglasses, I recommend you check Firmoo out. I’m looking at a couple of pairs for myself now.
And, since we’re talking fashion for teenage girls, here are a few more accessories for teenage girls …
monogram necklace {a Southern Prep necessity!}
Don’t forget, Stacey and I have a Pinterest board all about fashion for teenage girls!
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I’ve worn glasses since I was in the 6th grade. I have had every sort of dorky glasses known to man. Not once have I ever thought, “If I didn’t need glasses, I’d still want to wear them.” Not. Once.
But my girl? That’s a whole different story … she doesn’t need glasses. She can see perfectly. But, it appears we all want what we can’t have. And so, when Firmoo offered me a pair of glasses to review, I knew this was just the opportunity for me to give my girl a little something fun.
Who knew glasses could be such a fabulous accessory? She loves this bookish style which is apparently all the rage in the hipster circles. {And now is where I admit I am not entirely sure what it means to be hipster but apparently since my girl got a Crosley record player for Christmas and has her own vinyl collection she is firmly in the hipster camp.}
{Also, please forgive the blurry iPhone photos with the bad lighting. This is what morning is like in our house.}
Isn’t she adorable? She, like her momma, has a bit of a cardi addiction and we love the ones from Old Navy because we can get all the colors and then share!
How about that Patagonia vest with the chambray shirt? I love it … and it is soooo soft. And of course, we’re still wearing our Freeset tees we got for Easter last year. Casiday paired hers with a long cardi she grabbed from my closet on one of our many snow days in the past few weeks. Cozy and warm for a day at home.
The Firmoo glasses are very high quality. I have to admit, I was a little surprised by this since they are so inexpensive. They come with a great case and cleaning cloth. If you are looking for a new pair of glasses or sunglasses, I recommend you check Firmoo out. I’m looking at a couple of pairs for myself now.
And, since we’re talking fashion for teenage girls, here are a few more accessories for teenage girls …
monogram necklace {a Southern Prep necessity!}
Don’t forget, Stacey and I have a Pinterest board all about fashion for teenage girls! Review
March 20th, 2015 by firmoo No comments »This post is sponsored by As always, all opinions are my own.
Back when I started wearing glasses in the 6th grade, glasses were anything but fashionable. Although I am sure my big frames with a letter B on the lens were fashion forward at the time, today there are so many different options to fit every person and every lifestyle. And convenience? That has changed a lot too since then! Did you know that you can even order glasses online now?
I recently received a pair of glasses through and the process was easy and painless. I was able to virtually try on all of their glasses which took the guess-work out of wondering which pair was perfect for me. Once I selected my glasses all I had left to do was enter in my prescription for the lenses. They shipped very quickly and even came with a hard case and a soft case, a lens cleaning cloth and a repair kit with a screwdriver and screws!
The glasses fit perfectly, the prescription strength is spot on and they seem to be of high quality! I would not hesitate to order from Firmoo again. If you are new to Firmoo, you can click here to get 50% off your first pair of glasses!
Tell me about your first pair of glasses!
I can’t be the only one that had some bad pairs!
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