Posts Tagged ‘two tone glasses’

Get two tone glasses for a new look

June 20th, 2010

Eyeglasses and sunglasses can both be tinted in the frames. In addition, sunglasses can even take use of colored lenses, and optional colors include green, orange, rose, gray and blue. Making the frames colorful has become a common practice taken by eyewear manufacturers to design eyeglasses. Those colored eyeglasses and sunglasses are all examples. Knowing this is actually not enough. Utilizing coloring elements in eyeglasses have actually different ways. Eyewear users may have found that single-colored models are the majority in the market. When these products were first released by manufacturers, many customers got excited. The reason is that they have new options, and those plain, black eyeglasses and sunglasses are no longer the only choice. Eyewear designers have never stopped their effort in introducing new styles. Two tone glasses are a later comer in the eyewear world.

Compared with single-colored eyewear designs, two-tone eyewear offers more coloring enjoyment. As the name indicates, a pair of two tone eyeglasses or sunglasses has usually two major colors. Colored eyewear products are a breakthrough partially because most eyewear users had got bored with black models. It is appropriate to say that two tone glasses mark another improvement in eyewear design. Taking use of two different coloring elements, these products will bring new looks to most wearers. In a time when eyewear appearance is given much importance, the development of two-tone eyewear means really a lot.

Two tone glasses have several variations when this design is applied into different products. When it comes to prescription eyeglasses, the two coloring elements can be arranged only in the frame. Green can be combined with orange, or red combined with yellow. In fact, two-tone prescription eyeglasses are seldom seen because Rx eyewear requires a certain degree of formality. Sunglasses generally allow bolder coloring and decoration. Two-tone sunglasses have been quite popular among different groups of people. A blue frame can go with gray lenses, and a white frame can be combined with purple lenses. There are many more combinations if wanted.