Posts Tagged ‘Roger Bacon’

English scientist Roger Bacon and eye glasses

February 2nd, 2010

On the matter of the invention of eye glasses, we all know that no specific person could be credited. The history of eye glasses would not be integral if we forget a famous name—–Roger Bacon.

Roger Bacon, an English scientist in 13th century, found many people in the country could not read because of poor eye sight. Bacon thought of helping them. He tried and experimented to make eye glasses for a long time but ended with failure.

One day after rain, Bacon was strolling in the back yard and found the cobweb over the tree leaves was perched with many rain drops. When Bacon bended down to see these rain drops, he found the streak and tiny hair on the leaves could be seen clearer and be enlarged. He realized these rain drops were magnifying leaves. Soon Bacon went home and through a lot of efforts he finally found the prototype of “eye glasses”.

In 1268 Roger Bacon claimed that the lenses he found could be used on the “eye glasses” for correction purpose. Years later the usage of eye glasses was advised. Since then, many Italian and Spanish were added to the name list of contributors on the progress of eye glasses.

Today we saw many types of eye glasses which help improve our life in great deal. This reminds us of Roger Bacon for his efforts in inventing eye glasses