Posts Tagged ‘Gunmetal sunglasses’

Gunmetal sunglasses for better look and performance

June 7th, 2010

Have you heard of gunmetal sunglasses? The modern sunwear market has created so many models in any wanted colors for customers’ selection. Gunmetal is a dull blue-grey colour and gunmetal sunwear refers to sunglasses that appear mainly in this color. Sunwear products in this color are less seen in the market than those in regular colors such as red, green, blue and purple. In some cases, it is acceptable to say that gunmetal belongs to the category of mixed colors, including camouflage, peachy, chocolate and black-green and the like. Certainly, sunglasses in different colors have specific features or advantages. For instance, black sunglasses have been traditionally utilized to block a maximum amount of sunlight and shield identity. With the wide selection of sunglass lenses in various colors, more benefits and personal needs are reachable. This article discusses gunmetal sunwear which can enhance personal look and improve performance during sports.

Firstly, it is important to point out that blue-gray belongs to cool coloring, which covers about 60 percent of the world’s population. This is a blue based color base, and the other color base is warm represented by yellow. The reason for introducing this background is that people who expect a better look from a pair of sunglasses should first consider personal coloring, which is determined integrally by skin stone, eye color and hair color. The simple rule is that a customer with a cool coloring should choose eyewear in a cool color base. This is well backed by the key that each person looks best in his or her own color base. Now, it is the time to say that gunmetal sunglasses are a good choice for people with a cool coloring to enhance personal appearance.

Gunmetal sunwear is not for appearance enhancement only. There are still many people who choose these sunglasses to improve their performance during certain activities and sports. Gray tint applied to sunglass lenses can reduce overall brightness while preserving 100 percent normal color recognition. Gunmetal sunglasses also have this precious attribute and they are thus suitable for all outdoor activities in bright light conditions. By offsetting fierce sunlight, gunmetal sunwear can help athletes and sports enthusiasts improve performance.

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