Pros and Cons about Progressive Lenses

March 23rd, 2010 by Andrew Rabinowitz Leave a reply »

If compared with other lenses, the history of progressive lenses is really too short, no less than half a century. However, it is just the young member that has gained great development and achievements during those several decades. Among all users of those lenses, some think high of them, whereas others do not think so. Therefore, some people who have never used or newly bought those lenses may wonder are progressive lenses good for them or not? In fact, the question is not easy to answer. Here are something related to progressive lenses pros and cons, and people may have a clear idea about those lenses before buying them.

Pros progressive lenses are some of the latest products in the industry, which are upgraded on the basis of bifocals or trifocals. Generally, progressive lenses are good alternatives for some particular eye problems. For example, progressive lenses astigmatism is suitable for sufferers of astigmatism. Moreover, Just because of their unique characteristic- no-line, they are called progressive. That’s to say, compared to conventional lined lenses, no division lines can be found on progressive lenses. Still, wearers will find that the transition among all vision areas is very natural. This has successfully solved some problems in bifocals- radical vision change that may cause dizziness and headache. Still, progressive lenses are perfected in some details. For example, progressive lenses peripheral vision is also very natural with great clarity. Therefore, wearers will never feel any discomfort with them.

Cons In fact, no evident demerits can be found in progressive lenses. But there are still some points should be noticed. Progressive lenses are relatively expensive than other lenses if bought at the same place; the prescription of those lenses is rather time-consuming because all detailed about the eyes would be considered; almost all wearers will spend sometime to get used to them, but lenses from some particular manufacturers will cost less adapting time. For example, progressive lenses Varilux, made buy the world’s top progressive makers, are really perfect and less time will be used to adapt them.

Anyway, progressive lenses are some of the most mature products for sufferers of both near vision and far vision problems. Therefore, consumers should pay more attention on their merits, and try to avoid those demerits.


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