Convenient half reading glasses

January 25th, 2010 by David Wachler Leave a reply »

Two types of reading glasses are commonly seen in the market: half reading glasses (also known as half-frame) and full frame reading glasses. People with farsighted vision gain great help from reading glasses. They help in concentrating on things and items close to the people. Under most circumstances, the reading glasses we say are actually full frame reading glasses. Indeed, half reading glasses are more convenient and useful. When you are wearing a pair of full frame reading glasses and try to see in the distance, you will notice that the things may appear blurry. So, half reading glasses are needed for both near vision and distance vision. This article provides a basic comparison of these two kinds of reading glasses while emphasizing on half reading glasses.

The lens of full frame reading glasses is a single part. The full lens can provide reading help, or magnification. If you use reading glasses for a considerable period every time, full frame reading glasses are ok, because you need not to look up regularly.

Half reading glasses’ lenses consist of two portions. The lower portion is made with magnifying function according to the reading prescription and the power level. The upper portion of the lens is normal. So half reading glasses provide the most convenient for those who need to occasionally switch between near vision and distance vision. Half reading glasses always sit lower on the nose than full frame ones, so that if you want to read something at hand, just look through the lens. And when you need a glance into the distance, look up and over the frame. Half reading glasses are ideal for any occasion.

Whether you buy half reading glasses or full frame reading glasses, remember to choose custom-made ones.


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