Color contact lenses

March 16th, 2010 by Connie Robertson Leave a reply »

Since everybody wants to have beautiful bright eyes, color contact lenses become hot. A contact lens on the cornea of the eye can be corrective, cosmetic and therapeutic. Color contact lens furnishes you with good and different looking. Color contact lenses may also help in changing the color of your eyes. If you have brown eyes but wish to have blue or green eyes to match your dress or shirt, color contact lenses are the best choice. It makes fun at a relatively low cost.

Three types of color contact lens are available: visibility tints, enhancement tints and opaque color tints. Visibility tints include blue and green that are added to a lens. These tints are light and never change your eye color. Enhancement tints on color contact lens are solid but translucent. They are a little darker than visibility tints thus suitable for people who want to intensify their eye colors. Color tints on color contact lenses are darker and capable of completely eye color changing. They are ideal for people with dark eyes. Green, blue, violet and gray of color contact lenses are available.

It’s not recommended to wear color contact lens on a regular basis for an extensive period. Since the colored portion of contact lens may slide over the pupil, color contact lens is to some degree dangerous. You should not share color contact lenses with your friends just for fun. Each pair of color contact lenses is a medical device and fits the only individual for exclusive use.

Under the US law, a prescription is needed when you buy color contact lens. You should also try on the color contact lenses before order.


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