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Archive for the ‘Blogger reviews’ category
a bit about the man behind the blog. lately.
May 7th, 2015Firmoo Glasses and 50% Off Frames
May 7th, 2015Hello again lovelies! Today I’m going to be talking to you about eyewear. I’ve actually worn glasses since high school but I’m not going to lie, my first pair looked like something that even Harry Potter would turn down. I used to try and avoid wearing my glasses which obviously isn’t recommended but I disliked them that much! A lot has changed since then and eyewear has definitely developed providing plenty more options to suit individual style and taste. I feel that to be comfortable wearing my glasses, I need to really like them.
Recently Firmoo* contacted me and asked if I’d like to try a pair of their glasses. I’d never even considered buying frames online but there is something quite appealing about not having to leave the house to get a new pair. The website itself has a huge selection of frames offering different styles and colours to suit your personal taste. Even if you don’t wear prescription glasses, you can get what some like to call a fashion pair.
Now, I was initially worried about not being able to try each pair on but Firmoo provide a system which allows you to upload a photo of yourself to see how they look. I love over sized glasses so I chose a pair that had a slight cat eye and a tortoise shell frame… All my favourite looks in one! Once you’ve picked a pair you can then enter your prescription (if you have one), your requirements such as anti glare etc. and your pupil distance which is fully explained on the site. All you have to do is wait for parcel to arrive. Mine was delivered in under a week which was amazing considering that they were shipped from the other side of the world.
I love it when a company puts a little effort into the decorative side of things. Firmoo completely surprised me with an adorable map styled case, a small bag, a cleaning cloth and a screw driver for adjusting the sizing. They really did cater for everything. My glasses fit, they feel sturdy and comfortable and most importantly they do their job. I just love the way they look. What I haven’t mentioned yet is the pricing. I feel like a fool for spending over £100 on my previous pairs when the frames on this site can be as low as £17.00. You do have to pay for the lenses as well but this is nowhere near as expensive as what I was used to paying.
Overall, I’m definitely impressed with the service and quality that Firmoo provided plus it’s opened my eyes to a whole new world of online shopping which is always exciting. If you’re interested in checking out Firmoo’s site you can click here. I’m also happy to share with you that you can get 50% of on your first set of frames. If you’d like to redeem your code click here.
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May 7th, 2015
- They cut about 30 minutes off my daily routine – When I wear my natural hair it takes me between 30 to 40 minutes to complete a look.
- New look, New attitude – It doesn’t matter if you are creating a new look solely for yourself or to spice up your love life, a different can spice up that attitude. I am not dating, but if I were I am sure my significant other would appreciate those random changes.
- Washable & Easy to Maintain – Most wigs are washable. I have gotten at least 5 good washes out of mine and they still maintain their shine.
- Cost Effective – The brands I purchase are very cost effective. They range from 29.99 to 49.99. My fav’s are Bobbie Boss and Equal. They are super comfy and fit my big head really well. LOL!
- Rest the hair – I love giving my natural hair a rest. If you are not careful to much tugging and pulling can cause breakage.
- Unfazed by weather conditions – While wearing a wig I am sooo unfazed by the heat and humidity.
FIRMOO Online Optical Store : Review
April 23rd, 2015Hi there, my darlings! So…did you guys know that I wear glasses? No? Good! Lol but seriously it’s no secret that I have been an avid reader since I was a little girl and as a consequence of many late nights poring over Nancy Drews and Babysitters’ Clubs, my eyes racked up a hefty prescription. Most of the day, I wear contacts but at the end of the day, there’s nothing better than slipping into a nice, comfortable pair of glasses. The glasses I’ve been wearing are nice enough but they have been with me for a good 2 years so when Firmoo reached out to me to review a pair of glasses through their site, you know I happily agreed!
Now, me being me, and my glasses having been made a couple of years ago, I could NOT find my prescription–I searched everywhere in my apartment, I even called home to India and for the longest time, no luck! But I found it eventually and was able to place my order! Phew!
The great thing about Firmoo is how customizable the site is–you can not only pick the style and color of your frames but you can go ahead and adjust the way the glasses will fit your face, all online! How? By adjusting certain specific measurements, you can make sure the glasses you get will be perfect for you. But on that note, make sure you DO have your prescription handy because you WILL need the information on there!
So, here’s the frame I picked and I have to admit, I LOVE them! They are not only comfortable but look great and feel pretty sturdy :
So there you have it, my darlings! If you’re in the market for a new pair of glasses, you can check out Firmoo’s website HERE–you can find some great deals if you look around. Don’t forget to follow Firmoo through the social media outlets below :
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April 23rd, 2015I’ve been in denial about my eyesight for the longest time! As much as I hate to admit it, I should probably be sporting a pair of glasses while I flip through the newest issues of my favorite catalogs for Spring inspiration. Luckily, Firmoo sent me the perfect pair!
Often, glasses are meant for function and leave style out of the equation. These tortoise frames are great for adding a little bit of texture to your look. I love how lightweight they are and the shape is perfect for all of my oval-faced girls (aka me). In need of new frames? Head over to Firmoo and get 50% off your first pair.
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Firmoo Glasses
April 23rd, 2015Spring is finally here! Not only is spring my favorite season because of the gorgeous weather, it also allows me to rock my favorite florals. The only downside of Spring here in Virginia is the insane amount of pollen floating around. As much as I love being outdoors this time of year, my allergies do not. Because my allergies have prevented me from wearing my contacts, I’ve been forced to wear glasses every day. Thankfully, I was able to score a pair of these super cute and affordable Firmoo glasses. Not only do they help me out this time of year when I can’t wear my contacts, they are the perfect accessory to every outfit. Visit their website here to snag a pair for yourself!
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Blush with lace and a Firmoo review
April 13th, 2015Hi guys!
Where did the week go?! It’s always a great thing when it’s Friday and you’re wondering how the week went by so quickly. I’m loving the warmer weather we’ve been having. I am trying to wear all my blazers and cardigans as much as I can, since in about 3 weeks, I will have to put them away. We are starting to feel the humidity already, but I’m sure some would gladly take the warmer temps.
I love light colors in Spring. I paired my blush blazer and lace blouse with white pants for a romantic take on a rather casual work look. Of course I had to throw in a bit of color and added my floral pumps. I’ve had these for so long and only wear them in the Spring for some reason : )
Firmoo contacted me to try out their eyeglasses. I was very impressed with the quality and style of their eyeglasses! I wear contacts during the day but I was in need of a pair of prescription glasses in the evenings and on days my allergies are too bad to wear contacts. I picked out this pair and their customer service was very helpful in answering my questions. They came with a nice sturdy case and professional cloth for cleaning. They have a wide range of prescription glasses, reading glasses and sunglasses. And most importantly, they are extremely affordable! You can order your pair online here.
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Review: Firmoo Glasses
April 13th, 2015Alternate title- You look a bit Harold Lloyd!
Now being someone who has terrible eye-sight, glasses are the kind of very important thing I need in my life. Being a very frugal student with terrible eye-sight means I don’t get to upgrade on glasses very often.
I was very happy to receive an email from Firmoo asking if I could review their glasses on my blog.
Outfit Details
Peasant Blouse- made by me
Shorts- made by me
Shoes- Marshalls
Necklace(that you can hardly see)- Swap Meet
Glasses- c/o Firmoo
They have a special section just ‘For Bloggers’. I’m assuming all the super hip and trendy bloggers adore these, so that’s the selection they have. I hummed and hawed over some pairs, before I finally chose these.
At first, I had to get my prescription filled, so I asked if I could wait until I did that before I picked. Once I did so, I shot an email to Tina letting her know I got my prescription, and she let me pick my glasses. Which was super awesome, I think.
The glasses came extremely quickly, and the second I opened the package, I was met with a shiny new pair of glasses looking at me.
I desperately need to get them resized and fit to my face, but I just love them. Like any new pair of glasses, you see into all of time with them on, so I’m sure after I get the fit straightened, with regular wear, everything will be ok.
My younger sister found them to be adorable on me, and my grandpa asked if I planned on hanging off of any clock hands anytime soon.
I thought their customer service was very nice, and I don’t think I’ve ever had something ship to me in a day before, so that was good. Their site is very easy to navigate, and they are offering 50% off a pair of glassesfor new customers! So I definitely recommend Firmoo if you’d like a nice inexpensive pair of glasses.
Disclaimer- I received these glasses free of charge from in exchange for an honest review of their service.
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April 13th, 2015wearing these firmoo glasses–isaac likes it when i wear these glasses! i’m not used to wearing glasses (because i only wear my pair to drive at night), but i like these ones from firmoo! they are surprisingly really comfy! and i think the shape of them works well with my face, which is a miracle! i have the hardest time finding glasses/sunglasses that i think look good with my face shape! they have a 50% off two frames sale going on right now, so go ahead and browse through their awesomeness.
happy happy friday people!
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I miei Nuovi Occhiali da Vista Firmoo
April 13th, 2015

E infine vi mostro come mi stanno indossati… Che dite, vi piacciono? 🙂

Se anche voi volete ordinare un paio di occhiali su Firmoo, che siano da vista oppure da sole non importa, cliccate QUI per accedere al sito. Visitate anche la Pagina Facebook per essere sempre aggiornate sulle promozioni e sui giveaway dell’azienda. A presto!
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